Beginning to take my first steps away from cubes and spheres, just modeled something to get my hands dirty. A few serendipitous mistakes actually helped, like my triangle laden, chrysanthemum blossom, lighting effect. I'll take it. ;)
Thanks. I placed a point of light about 3/4 back in the cylinder which had been inset and then extruded back a bit then sub/surf modified, which created the unintended flurry.
Thanks! :)
Thanks. I placed a point of light about 3/4 back in the cylinder which had been inset and then extruded back a bit then sub/surf modified, which created the unintended flurry.
Just to ensure there isn't any misunderstanding. This came out great. So much so I am thinking of trying to reproduce the effect.
It's lovely, actually!
Very cool, er, uh, hot!
Some of the greatest discoveries were mistakes. Post it notes come to mind. Whiteout on the other hand was not a mistake!
nice glow...