
Silver serving tray Final

Learning Blender...
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  • This is a great story. It illustrates why there is such a demand for illustrators. When I saw these I figured they were for a product illustration where they really didn't want a photograph. What I said first still holds. These are "very nice". ;) I love that he made you coffee.

  • Hey thanks :)

    At the time I couldn't do reflections, choice of the customer... but I'll check out the courses on lightning and HDRI and redo the render.

    I kinda fell into Blender with these pieces... my hubby was doing a photography job for a lady who sold silver, but she had been unhappy with several photographers allready and was about to cut us loose too when I showed her the capri creampot Blender piece. She loved it and comissioned all the 24 silver pieces in that 'style'. We never dared explain her they weren't photos, afraid to lose the job. I knew even less about Blender at the time than I do now and was learning with Youtube videos. So I worked two weeks straight 14 hours on a laptop to meet the deadline, while our photographer made me coffee and was supportive.

    Looking at the pieces now, I'm proud of the work but a bit ashamed of having charged for it. I could definately do a better and quicker job now.

    Long explain... I felt like sharing. :)

  • Very nice. :)
    Some HDRI lighting and or object would add interesting reflections.