
Tree Frog Berserker Warrior Final

One of the most feared warriors known throughout the land. Most were fooled by their dimunitive size and build. But most soon learn the error of their ways. Agile and quick, these frog warriors need only scratch their adversary for the poison on their daggers to take effect, a powerful neurotoxin that knows no cure and takes effect within seconds. Fearless and fiercely loyal to their tribe, these warriors cut themsleves before battle with their daggers coating them with their own poisonous blood. Some are even known to lick their daggers before entering battle, allowing them to enter a trance-like drug induced frenzy that even the barbarians of the plains envy. There are legends told of a kamikaze act when surrounded on all sides and death imminent, and the attackers sure of their victory. They rip their own stomachs and chest open and jump up while spinning coating everything around them with their toxic blood, killing everything within a large radius. With the lone warrior in the center, and the dead bodies of the once proud enemies fallen where they stand, it is little wonder why they would call this (loosely translated into our tongue) as the "Spiral Flower of Death"
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