The sentence "Ogilvy, the astronomer, assured me we were in no danger. He was convinced there could be no living thing on that remote, forbidding planet..." from Jeff Waynes, version of War of the Worlds, popped into my head the other day, but I thought I'd reverse it a bit and send a human tripod machine to Mars. - The name of the rover/walker is OGL-V to link to the astronomer Ogilvy - In the text update the info of 'probability of life in sample . . . ' references the lyric "The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one, he said" - The battery and light info references the final message from the Opportunity mars rover - The red 'tentacles' in the bottom corner is the martian red weed "As Man had succumbed to the Martians, so our land now succumbed to the Red Weed..."
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