Here's a shark that I've been working on recently, based on the wonderful artwork from Sam Nielson.
*No baby seals or fish were harmed during the creation process! 😅
Very dramatic and excellent arwork 😀👍! Everything is looking very professional: The animals as well as the water splashes with the light refractions and the bokeh effect👍!
PS:beefkeef Thanks for the reassurance that the fish and the baby seal survived 😉😊! Obviously the shark's mouth was bigger than his brain 😉😁!
acapier Thanks for the comment I'm really pleased you like it!! I can feel the Burton vibe for sure now that you pointed it out! 👍👍
that baby seal is absolutely cute too bad he's about to be lunch. awesome artwork!
With a closer look at the shark's mouth I'm seeing that he has even teeth in his throat : This could become difficult with the dental care 🦷😉😁!
Very dramatic and excellent arwork 😀👍! Everything is looking very professional: The animals as well as the water splashes with the light refractions and the bokeh effect👍!
PS: beefkeef Thanks for the reassurance that the fish and the baby seal survived 😉😊! Obviously the shark's mouth was bigger than his brain 😉😁!
What about the shark? was the shark harmed?
Must of chipped a tooth on the rock surely!
Excellent work 👍
Really emotive, the juxtaposing of emotions yet the connection of actions in the food chain lol. Also like the out of focus background!
Love it! Feels very Burtonesque.