This is Razdrigz or Raz for short. I could talk for hours about this guy. He isn't so much of a guy as he is just a symbol in my life. One of my favorite things in life is immersion which is captured and described no better than anything than the book "catalog of games and roles." However i can't seem to find the book anywhere so i do not know the author. All i have is a phone snapped image of the page i'm speaking of. The role was called "The Dreamer." if anyone wants to attempt to find it. I don't have the space to type it all. One thing you are free to know about me is that i met my Girlfriend/Fiancee online in a video game. Not by pursuing women though, rather that i accidentally helped someone being bullied and she's become my life long friend. Raz is what my game character looked like in the time that i finally had to say goodbye to that game. He represents me, my love of immersion, wishing i was better, My happiest memories, my achievements, and who i can be when i'm truly me.
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