
Human: Realistic Portrait Work In Progress

A self portrait created by following Kent Trammel's tutorial, Human.

Significantly, I've included a few images showing where I 'deviated' from the course to utilize reference material I happened to have on hand as a guide, namely digitized MRI scan data of my head. I thought it appropriate to use ALL reference material available to maximize realism. I could have even used my cross polarized DLSR images for skin texture but decided instead to practice hand painting as in the course to see how far it got me. Otherwise I stayed pretty faithful to the course on the whole, which taught me a lot.

I went for full on self-portrait. i'm half Chinese, half western European, late middle aged.

I'm doing all this in my spare time, which I don't have much of as a full-time hospitalist, part-time artist and full-time dad.

I welcome comments from the community. What do you think? Should I just call it finished?

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