CGCookie “Epic Pumpkin” Challenge (Final)
Title - “Protecting Those You Love”.
Wish I had more time to spare, however not bad for 12 hours of work.
Hope you like it. 😊
bc_griffin Thanks, I think I understand some of that. I'm 33.33% through the fundamentals of lighting course so hopefully by the end I'll have a better grasp on it! I haven't used the pointiness node yet, I'll have to play around with that, thanks that was all helpful!
joshcanfield Thank you Josh. The entire scene is sculpted. I used an image texture and texture co-ordinate node setting the operation mode to generated which gave me the results you see. I also created various maps to reflect surface irregularities. The pointiness node were also used to add shadows to all the nooks and crannies. But I have to be completely honest Josh...none of this would have mattered if I didn't have a proper lighting setup. Lighting plays such an imperative part. No matter how good your model may appear...if your lighting lacks a bit, all that hard work was for nothing. Thanks again Josh. Hope I was of some assistance to your question. 😊
cchaoslillith Thank you Kat. All will happen for you in due time. It took me a few years to get to this level. Never give up no matter how big or impossible it might seem. Thanks again. 😊
bc_griffin awe, thanks for saying that but you've definitely taken it to another level. I really like how you got the highlights on the ridges. Did you do that with a texture painting? Or procedurally?
cchaoslillith Thank you Kat. All will happen for you in due time. It took me a few years to get to this level. Never give up no matter how big or impossible it might seem. Thanks again. 😊
Great! And with scary music and all !
Damn! You did that in 12 hours!! Wow, I have a lot of practice to get in to get that good! Well done!!!
Wow, that's really cool!