The goal of this image was to find out how to create and use displacement maps and multiple uv maps. The dispalcement maps for texts and lines on the bottles I created in inkscape. The distortion in the surface of the bottles are a marble texture I adjusted in Gimp.
The bottles are placed on a marble plate. On thes plate I placed a glass layer. The marble is stil visible but the reflection of the bottles is mostly in the glass layer.
At last I created a environment in a sphere and a mirror behind the bottles to get even more reflection.
To render the image in in one piece my comp needed about 120 hours, so I rendered the image in three parts with three bottles at the time. In this way it was possible to render through the GPU's. In this way it took about seven hours of rendering (2000 cycles and image size 4800 x 3000).
I hope you like it and I'm looking foreward to your commends.