Here is a composition of BlendSwap models along with my own work. The inspiration came from Downton Abbey and the candlestick phone that was introduced in one of the episodes. I modeled the candlestick phone and then decided to look for shared models to build a scene.
Special thanks goes out to these BlendSwap friends for use of their models:
"antique chair" by Jeremiah R
"wood box" by Adriano
"metal bucket" by izuzf
"cardboard boxes" by Mark Harrell
"english table" by negativa
"classic desk chair" by eMirage
"lantern" by jafem
"old iron tin" by Spelle
"rusty watering can" by fairly
"antique sconce" by Hans Erickson
"Peter Behrensi Fan - Cycles Version" by leandrobp
"Coat Rack and Bench" by wfg5001
"Homburg Hat" by weeliano
Also, the compositing was done using "Le Compo Pack of Death" from Blender Cookie.