The 2D CG Cookie SUMMER 2015 Contest Results!
Sep 10th 2015
The 2D CG Cookie SUMMER 2015 Contest Results!
Want to know what contest these submissions are from? Check HERE to see the community contest post that show the work in-progress from the community. We have a seasonal contest every year with a new theme and this contest's theme was to create a post-apocalyptic character!
Without further ado below are the top three as voted on by the cookie crew and are an excellent display of the contest's theme and quality.
If you need a reminder on what the winners will be walking away with, here are the prizes with information on each title! For the winners: expect an email in the next upcoming days to confirm the details on receiving your prize!

The Standing Results!
Here are some of the fantastic entries from this year's summer contest that came super close to winning! Each one of these post apocalyptic characters were absolutely fantastic in their own individual way. It was awesome seeing the different interpretations and direction each artist went into for their pieces.
The Bronze Award goes to... Jnoel (Jordan Noel Nelsen)
One of my personal favorites, this piece had a backstory attached with it that gave reason to the accessories he had on him. The story felt well thought out and that seemed to give the character more depth and thought put behind him. I enjoy the composition and graphic design nature and feel the piece had going on and the pop of colors that were used. Congrats!
The Silver Award goes to... Ogereye (Jens Fielder)
This user submitted three entries, but this was the stand out out of them. Immediately you can see this as a final character concept ready for the 3D modeler or costume fabricator to take on. Admittedly I can see this is a photo bashed piece and while starting with the Halloween contest we are pushing for fully realized pieces that are drawn and painting entirely, even though you see this in the industry a LOT, we want artists to really understand the basics and fundamentals of creating their own pieces from start to finish. Beside that, this character has personality to him and it definitely fits the post-apocalyptic theme very well!The Golden Award goes to... Sniwwles (Benj)
The gold award was a debate among the crew, there were so many entries that made the final votes and from there it was a really close race. But in the end, this piece garnered the most final votes and become this years Summer winner! This piece has a lot of mood and ideas put into a single character concept. There is a lot of well placed color balancing and contrast placed to direct the eye around the piece. Some of the best concept pieces have a story from first glance, and we believed this piece did just that. So a big congrats on winning!