To go along with the release of the Fundamentals of Materials and Shading course launching September 1st, this live stream will go over critiques of the exercise submissions and any questions you might have about materials and shader nodes going forward.
To submit a question, render, or blender scene for review, post it to this topic in the Community:
oh wow! I love it @jlampel
Hello there! Is it still possible to submit a scene ?
So that's how rainbows are made
I tuned in a little late, but props to this scene Karen, it looks great!
oh wow yes it does!!!
Instead of the Cross Product use Vector Math > Distance
Don't let the fish die Karen, too many kids are fish killers at such a young age
didn't know how to paint that glowing effect in
I was kinda following the edges and crevasse tutorial
yes, I sculpted it then attempted to make a scene for the render