Whether you're new to CG Cookie, or a battle hardened Cookie Monster, this is a great stream to be a part of. Join Wes Burke as he walks you though how to get the most out of CG Cookie, updates from the Cookie crew, and answering questions from members.
Prior to the stream, ask your questions below, and I will answer them during the stream.
See you there!
Edit: Looking for a challenge - download the recently updated Robot Rig for Blender 2.8 and act out one of the audio clips attached to the stream - https://cgcookie.com/resource/robot-rig-blender-2-80
Yes, please email [email protected] for info on our student initiative :)
I answered some of those captain logs :-D
ahhh i keep forgetting where those go
I wrote lots of captains log
I like to think I contributed to the making of that course
I like that you can go back and find a topic and get the updates
It's great!
It was very helpful
I am watching that course
were the blogs went