Whether you're new to CG Cookie, or a battle hardened Cookie Monster, this is a great stream to be a part of. Join Wes Burke as he walks you though how to get the most out of CG Cookie, updates from the Cookie crew, and answering questions from members.
Prior to the stream, ask your questions below, and I will answer them during the stream.
See you there!
Edit: Looking for a challenge - download the recently updated Robot Rig for Blender 2.8 and act out one of the audio clips attached to the stream - https://cgcookie.com/resource/robot-rig-blender-2-80
Cold and wet Omar, it’s raining
Drive safely or walk safely if you'll be walking
I'm going to pack up and head home quickly. I'll be back in 5 minutes, if I rush.
Great, thanks Miranda
How is good old Blender Central?
Hi Rita 😎
All good, thanks for asking
Hi Miranda
How is everyone doing?
Omar, I am same with short attention span. For reading, I keep sticky notes on pages & write on plain bookmarks.
Also, I keep digital notebooks and scrapbooks. That helps me learn. I also keep notes at Mindzip and Linoit. Great for jogging memories.