This event is part of the October 2018 Class, "Shading & Lighting with Blender"
Eevee is the cutting-edge realtime render engine that ushers in the modern PBR standard to Blender. The results are stunning and it's an absolute blast to work so interactively.
This weeks material concepts are are car paint, reflectivity, fresnel, leather and metal along with HDRI lighting.
Yes I've been keeping grades as usual. I'll share the doc out today after the stream
@Theluthlier will there also again the file to look at our score ?
Given that you're doing fine in this class, you're likely not missing much on thurs mmjans. It's designed to be an essential ESSENTIAL intro to Blender for teachers interested in Blender/CG at their school
that's a relief Jake
That power supply sure has given its fair share of trouble
That's always exciting, Jake! Woohoo!
Did you get my message on Monday?
You can leave any questions now them
I'm in a good mood today because according to the tracking website, the new power supply for my computer is "out for delivery" even now! My Blender-deprivation nightmare is coming to an end!
I also coach also Omar, so I have to be in the gym coaching volleyball at 3 on thursday. Hope to catch the recording as a past event