This event is part of the October 2018 Class, "Shading & Lighting with Blender"
Eevee is the cutting-edge realtime render engine that ushers in the modern PBR standard to Blender. The results are stunning and it's an absolute blast to work so interactively.
This weeks material concepts are are car paint, reflectivity, fresnel, leather and metal along with HDRI lighting.
Little bugger disappeared behind the desk.. Great.
can imagine that . i remember i had this big black spider and i had my parent turn up my room upside down . after a good 5 hours we found it . i was not able to sleep till i finded it . my parents gave up after one hour and i kept looking for it and then screamed mom dad i found it hurry. i still remember it so well xD
The chat is smooth today, I guess the extra chairs were worth it
Little spiders are not so bad as huge. In the dark, I almost stepped on a mouse with a body that feel like it. Luckily I didn't hurt it. When I flashed a light on a creature, it was an exotic spider, not native. It was HUGE.
Hello Tejpal
Heyo Tejpal!
@theluthier another question if we also gonna make the pumpkin for the contest as an extra for our last render are we allowed to also ask questions involved on proces with the pumpkin or only if its involves lightning and shading ? or is it better overal to not use the pumpkin for the lightning /shading course
No worries :-)
Had a spider the size of my hand crawl up from behind my bed a couple nights ago. Slept with one eye open that night.
Thanks a ton for the reel shiennar! I remember agreeing to the shared folder now, though I'd forgotten up till now [facepalm]