This stream is part of the June 2018 Class: Vehicle Modeling with Blender
There's another facet of vehicle modeling that doesn't involve strict adherence to blueprints. Instead, Concept Sculpting is about designing a vehicle from scratch using the artistic approach of digital sculpting. This can be an extremely fun, experimental method for creating unique vehicles.
is there still people here?
But the air conditioning still leave it on
There's a new locking mechanism, we can rest as its an auto lock now
bye, me too
Me too 👋
ha yes it's good. Someone might say that about a comedian they like or a funny friend that always makes them laugh
I'm off
Well slay is good then
Fantastic Wilco! I'm always glad to hear that.
It's an expression as in you make me laugh so hard it kills me. Yikes sounds violent to state it another way..