• Jose Miguel Hernandez(jmiguelhdezgmailcom)

    started on what? other stream?

  • s

    thanks, bye

  • j
    John Monterone(jm3d)


  • Henri Koskinen(losti)

    Thanks, can't wait for more!

  • v
    John Crawford(vaculik)

    Thanks, learned some nice stuff here

  • Jose Miguel Hernandez(jmiguelhdezgmailcom)

    there krita which i heard is good but i think it is often about how much support it gets. Linux for example is so good because a lot of enterprises use it, a game engine like godot would benefit once the industry start contributing to it... but it takes time and luck

  • v
    John Crawford(vaculik)

    it could be like a triple screen setup! kent doing sculpting, jonathan lampel doing hard surface and gonzo putting it altogether in Unity

  • v
    John Crawford(vaculik)

    Funny how 3D gets an amazing open source software in Blender, which competes with expensive packages like Maya well, but 2D software is stuck with gimp, which is still miles off photoshop in terms of workflow

  • s

    I use GIMP but it is hard to customize brushes, And lots of another inconviniences.

  • v
    John Crawford(vaculik)

    Ever thought participating in the Ludum Dare jam with a CG Cookie project?

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In this live stream we'll go over how we can create a single weapon we can fire and shoot at enemies.