I've been participating in #Nodevember, which is a Twitter challenge to make a new procedural material every day of November. I'm consistently stumped by the amazing shapes and animations that are coming out of the challenge and I'd like to take some time with special guest Simon Thommes to dive deeper into if and how we mortal humans can achieve such results.
Only one left
Did you run out of Pirulins
Younglings.... I'm sorry
I would turn to the dark side for this power
But yes from Simon
That node setup is giving me a heart attack.
not from a jedi...
Okay, clearly I know nothing about vector displacement lol. Definitely thought this would be simple.
[Q] It's a little hard to understand exactly how you would model something with vector displacement. Do you think we could see you make something simple, like taking a plane and making an upside-down pyramid?