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    Sid Lilja(ohem)

    I'm the type of person who can obsess over small details, it's both a strength and a curse. I've always had a thing for faces, though it's for the same reason I've often avoided looking at people when outdoors. So when I'm imagining animating a face I often "rewind" what to move first to convey the expression.

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690)

    I think you should Kent, not weird at all haha.

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym)

    @theluthier 🙇🏻 Thank you!

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    You absolutely should, Phil. When I reviewed this course I was surprised how interesting it was. I want to do the exercises myself! Is that weird?

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690)

    Acting in animation, I remember filming reference for the first time and how scary that was. That wasn't even acting haha. Hoping to dive deep into this course pretty soon. Show off this ugly mug of mine to the exercise submission.

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    If they're flying you intercontinental, I'd say you'll probably be good at making training videos!

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym)

    Yesterday's stream was very insightful. I am very interested in creating video content and learning how much effort goes into it.

  • Kent Trammell(theluthier)

    I'm glad you found it interesting! It's probably a topic only true fans would appreciate lol. I didn't realize how much I had to say on the topic till yesterday ha

  • Phil Osterbauer(phoenix4690)

    I had to leave suddenly yesterday, but it was a great stream. Fun to get a BTS look into what you guys do and how hard you work at it. Thanks for that!

  • Matthew Ullrey(ullreym)

    Ha ha.

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Did you know Wayne Dixon is a professional actor in addition to being a professional animator? Who better to teach an "Acting for Animators" course! Today we're talking with Wayne about his acting career, acting and animation in general, as well as what to expect from his new course.

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