• Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Sir Save-a-lot

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Save save save

  • Matt Dickun(az93)

    I say treat any program like it's going to crash and save a lot.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    Seems to hate texture painting rn for some reason

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats)

    tobles, I see what you mean (the sudo stuff)... it inherits the UX logic (and priorities) from the command line approach (think sysadmin rather then an office dweller;) where the whole "power user" look and feel (predominantly in the feedback loop cues of the interface) is actually desirable, as opposed to something to be hidden in order to minimize the intimidation effect with the target user... it is very interesting (to me both professionally and as another user, blender being a pretty good example actually) because, as we seem to agree, the actual RISK is virtually identical, but the emotional impact is literally the diametric opposite...
    : )
    Really hope that this is interesting for you, or anyone reading (sorry to drop this wall of text in an offtopic one to one conversation in the public chat) and that I'm not suffocating...

    Good thing that you didn't mention 'su'!
    : D

  • s


  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    It would be funny if it wasn't so frustrating.

  • silentheart00

    Take a lap, Kent.

  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)


  • Piotr Brzostyński(brzostek)

    Thankfully we're not far from the official release, so hopefully we won't have those crashes

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You know that cute little plane from the Introduction to Hard Surface Modeling course?  Gonzo asked recently if we ever textured it, since he wanted to explore using it for a game project. And...no. No we have not.

Until now! This model makes a great subject to explore Blender 2.8's texturing tools, how they differ from 2.7x, and how they integrate with Eevee. It will be fun. Don't miss it.

NOTE: You can download the finished textured plane with the cloud icon to the right of the title.

Materials Rendering