You know that cute little plane from the Introduction to Hard Surface Modeling course? Gonzo asked recently if we ever textured it, since he wanted to explore using it for a game project. No we have not.
Until now! This model makes a great subject to explore Blender 2.8's texturing tools, how they differ from 2.7x, and how they integrate with Eevee. It will be fun. Don't miss it.
NOTE: You can download the finished textured plane with the cloud icon to the right of the title.
held breath there heh
it raises the entertainment value like this though... it's like na unplanned session of Resident Evil on a tranquil Tuesday evening...
Save first though
[Q] Does it looks the same with Cycles if you suddenly switch?
It'll be a tough battle but we will get him there
Someday Kent will be trained by us to do it himself
Save file too!