There comes a time in every digital artist’s life when they realize...sometimes it’s ok to download supplemental material rather than create it from scratch. So many situations come to mind:
- a photo-sourced texture to fill the background behind your character
- a stock image to fill a digital picture frame in your arch viz render
- 3D models for a game you’re prototyping
- a music track to accompany your demo reel
- many more
The reality is it's very common to need and use existing material to supplement your own work. Today Kent is discussing where to find free resources (including 3D models, images, music) and how to properly use them; both legally and in a way that makes the world a better place (attribution).
Thankfully VFX can be appreciated apart from the overall movie. If the movie sucks but the FX are good, the artists work has not been in vain
yeah I suppose, probably a lot of mocap. I wonder if that helped orient to the scene and the relationship to all the other actors?
I reckon VFX in the future will become easier
I remember when you have to make a course to learn how to navigate windows, once upon a time people had to explain to you how a folder worked, and what the back function did
Since FX is kind of my long-term dream, I've often wondered how I would feel if a movie I did work for got panned.
Since the FX are so crucial to the animation, that must have been some tricky pipeline work between the anim dept and the FX dept
All creepy and stuff
Like a Venom Rig
Oh geez...the rig is probably unlike anything we've ever seen haha