Finishing the sled project
After modeling our snow sled last week, this week we're adding textures, materials, and getting a final render. Topics and techniques include procedural texture creation - because hand-painting textures is for the birds 😉 - materials like wood and painted metal, using the new Ambient Occlusion node for adding grime, and adding some treatment with the compositor.
I'm also working on game dev jakeblended so you've got time to catch up 😉
I'ma hold you to that Pavel 👍
lol, well, sometimes tech gets the better of us *holds bat back from PC*
That realistic character course has been one of many bastions of hope for me recently. Anatomy is tough business.
Hi CHris :)
But no more distractions, I promise to finish it by the critique stream
this course rules!
ssmurfmier1985 oh I'm taking the animation course you're working on, after I'm done with that one :)
Thank you Nick Haskins, he jumped in like a life saver in a pool of cookies
Hi everyone who joined the last minutes