• silentheart00


  • concrescence

    wierd there a few more settings like that

  • s

    I do that too a lot pprocyonlotor
    sometimes just watch certain chapter

    I like practising my own projects and aplying skills to that more than only recreating what they do in courses

  • Dragonice (dragonice69)

    @Kent click USE NODES

  • y
    yukino hatake(yukinoh1989)

    you dont have principle in right ?

  • spikeyxxx

    Principled isn't plugged in

  • concrescence

    restart the program?

  • David Frazier(pointoflife14)

    manually assign in edit mode?

  • c
    Wilco Wilbrink(carrotnl)

    use nodes is off

  • y
    yukino hatake(yukinoh1989)


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Finishing the sled project

After modeling our snow sled last week, this week we're adding textures, materials, and getting a final render. Topics and techniques include procedural texture creation - because hand-painting textures is for the birds 😉 - materials like wood and painted metal, using the new Ambient Occlusion node for adding grime, and adding some treatment with the compositor.

Materials Rendering