This event is part of the October 2018 Class, "Shading & Lighting with Blender"
Architectural Visualization (Arch Viz) rendering is often a coveted skillset among lighting enthusiasts. This week we're looking at lighting for realism, featuring natural outdoor light from windows and artificial light from light fixtures. We'll also explore the necessary materials for our interior.
Jokes on you, I'm the master of long load times. *flex*
Also can be used in VR.
ssmurfmier1985 I suspect that's my problem - I have no idea what settings you would use on a real camera. I have to play with settings blindly. Perhaps I should so a little study about the basics of cameras and photography.
No pressure
I thinks stuff like angle and distance and what else you have in your scene contricute a lot to the miniature effect
jakeblended , as well as choosing a F-stop value that you would use on a real camera
1. Open Blender
2. Use Filmic
3. ???
4. Profit
Why thank you very much, you're an excellent teacher.