• Jon Denning(gfxcoder)

    bbimbio under the hood, there is a cubic bezier curve/spline

  • b

    Do the strips have an actual bezier curve or is that clever coding creating a "fake" bezier curve?

  • s

    Thank you.

  • Jon Denning(gfxcoder)

    jjanhuybrechs any mesh can be the target. it just needs to be active when starting RF

  • whoiskjl

    k enough with this black magic

  • Jon Denning(gfxcoder)

    ssigurd yes. we will announce in as many ways as possible

  • j

    Perhaps you've answered this already, but does the retopo model need to start as a retopo model from this tool, or can any model whether it's created in Blender or other software be used as a retopo model?

  • Jon Denning(gfxcoder)

    ggurayg it _should_ connect the strip to the existing face

  • s

    Will we get some kind of notification when 2.0 update is available? Great demo btw.

  • g

    Thank you guys! you all are great :)

Get a first look at RetopoFlow 2.0, the retopology add-on designed first and foremost for artists. 

You can purchase RetopoFlow at the Blender Market by clicking hereVersion 2.0 will be a free upgrade for all customers.

RetopoFlow has been created by Jonathan Williamson, Jonathan Denning, Patrick Moore, Eric Edelo, and Christopher Gearhart.
