Get a first look at RetopoFlow 2.0, the retopology add-on designed first and foremost for artists.
You can purchase RetopoFlow at the Blender Market by clicking here. Version 2.0 will be a free upgrade for all customers.
RetopoFlow has been created by Jonathan Williamson, Jonathan Denning, Patrick Moore, Eric Edelo, and Christopher Gearhart.
So many thank you's for the symmetry add!
whoiskjl you're welcome!
Awe sweet, someone 3d scanned my body...
*anyone believe me?*
way cool, on recovery
gfxcoder thanks for the great product btw Jon
actually, saves to .blend file, but it's done behind the scenes so artists shouldn't notice it happening :)
Nah, you have to kill yourself.... But you're being forced to do so :P
Uses Blender's Auto-save timing
Joey - So, getting murdered, lol
Seriously though 👇