• ivansantic

    Awesome! Thanks!

  • c

    Merge loops?

  • Jon Denning(gfxcoder)

    ivansantic that's on the to-do

  • ivansantic

    Excellent work! I only have question in regards PolyPen. - quad extend option?

  • a

    awsome thanks for answering :D

  • Joey Bennett(tower-cg)

    The f2 addon would be awesome to have implemented, or something similar :P

  • e

    Sweet! Thanks guys!

  • panicq

    Did you implemented the F2 addon ?

  • Joey Bennett(tower-cg)

    That's awesome! I used retopoflow on a lizard, and it was all separate objects, and I had a hard time getting all the meshes into one, in order to retopo it...

  • a

    two questions: can you add edge loops with something like loop cut? And will this need another rewrite for 2.8

Get a first look at RetopoFlow 2.0, the retopology add-on designed first and foremost for artists. 

You can purchase RetopoFlow at the Blender Market by clicking hereVersion 2.0 will be a free upgrade for all customers.

RetopoFlow has been created by Jonathan Williamson, Jonathan Denning, Patrick Moore, Eric Edelo, and Christopher Gearhart.
