The Principled shader is an excellent addition to Blender's shader system. But I've also seen enough confusion and misconception about the uber shader to warrant a discussion.
In this live stream we'll talk about what the Principle Shader is, when it's useful, and when it's not so useful.
NOTE: Example files have been made available to download by clicking the down-arrow-cloud button to the right of the title below the video.
Hello, good evening from germany
Congrats!! Colorado is a great choice. Only been once but still in awe of the rockies
kkent Honeymoon :)
Yeah Omar go for it
What took you to Colorado Thibaut?
Hiya Jake !
Thats...impossible to believe Char 😳
Good day. everyone!
Omar, as for the English problem, I say go for it. The more you speak it out loud, the more you will improve. What better way than with tutorials.
I was in Colorado during december 2017, was fantastic. Super kind people too