The Principled shader is an excellent addition to Blender's shader system. But I've also seen enough confusion and misconception about the uber shader to warrant a discussion.
In this live stream we'll talk about what the Principle Shader is, when it's useful, and when it's not so useful.
NOTE: Example files have been made available to download by clicking the down-arrow-cloud button to the right of the title below the video.
Brrrr cold
currently -4C where I am...
Then it's good you're not here Ar, just 5 degrees Celsius I think
Oh my Omar, that's hot!
Haha Omar!
jakeblended !
You have to understand that when temperature hits 22 Celsius I am freezing cold
I've never been to the us, furthest I've flown is to london
Mountains are beautiful generally...I'm hard pressed to think of a place with ugly mountains. :)