• Derek Chestnut(dbchest)

    I appreciate it when you make small mistakes, Kent; you're so good at what you do and your instructional material is some of the best content here at cookie, and when you slip up it makes me feel better about my personal struggle to learn some of this material; knowing even the best in the business have some lapses.

  • spikeyxxx

    It's the delay, Kent

  • silentheart00

    No prob.

  • concrescence

    ty silent

  • concrescence

    is opengl a shader?

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    R2D2 can make that shader, easy

  • concrescence

    nice spikey

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Help me Obi Wan Kenoby, you're my only hope

  • spikeyxxx

    Watching on CGCookie I get answers before the question is asked

Get instant access to this Live Stream.

The Principled shader is an excellent addition to Blender's shader system. But I've also seen enough confusion and misconception about the uber shader to warrant a discussion.

In this live stream we'll talk about what the Principle Shader is, when it's useful, and when it's not so useful.

NOTE: Example files have been made available to download by clicking the down-arrow-cloud button to the right of the title below the video.

Materials Rendering