• Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    The selection NEVER makes sense right out of the box. First thing you should explain is how to change the user preferences so it becomes sane ;)

  • Dayse Morales(dayseliketheflower)


  • d
    Donte Jewett(djewett85)

    Hello everyone!

  • Yves Perera(shinsaku)

    I'm a citizen of CGC I hold a french YT channel that teachers Blender. I'm intrested in this because from what I read this is "tailored towards teachers" but I don't understand the therm "Webinar" and I also don't understand the "invitation" thing. I wasn't "invited other than the fact I got a notification about this.

  • t
    Thi Soares(thisoares)


  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    [Puts apple on desk, quitelymoves to the back]

  • s

    Hi Dayse

  • Jan-Willem van Dronkelaar(3dioot)

    Thanks Kent and hello Dayse. With teachers you mean people who want to start to teach it in school or something?

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn)

    Hi Dayse :)

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Hello Dayse

Get instant access to this Live Stream.

This is a unique livestream tailored toward teachers interested in CG Cookie's Pilot Program. It's designed to be a crash course introduction to Blender, going over key terminology and hotkeys, as well as an open forum for Kent to field your questions.

This webinar is primarily for those who have been invited. However if you have a particular interest in seeing CG Cookie's Blender curriculum taught in your school or your child's school, please email [email protected] for an invite.
