This is a unique livestream tailored toward teachers interested in CG Cookie's Pilot Program. It's designed to be a crash course introduction to Blender, going over key terminology and hotkeys, as well as an open forum for Kent to field your questions.
This webinar is primarily for those who have been invited. However if you have a particular interest in seeing CG Cookie's Blender curriculum taught in your school or your child's school, please email [email protected] for an invite.
Yes I am following along just fine! However I am also head coach of Cross Country and we have practice shortly.
Thank you so much
Jordan, I can send you a link if you have to go back to class :)
Will this be available to view after today?
edit mode select all then p
QUESTION: How do you separate to objects when they both move with the cursor but should be separate and not on separate layers?
Kent, in our curriculum, we show how to build a snowman using spheres. Can you quickly show us how to make a snowman?
question: the rotation is really wonky is there any way to adjust it or change it?
Yes, we're in the process of updating our curriculum now.
QUESTION: Will CGCookie have material to transition smoothly from 2.78-9 to 2.8 for those students that have already started?