• s
    Stephen Clark(stclark)

    The guys at flippednormals made a good point. That being, if the job comes down to two people, and one has to learn the in-house software while the other can come in and immediately get to work, then they will go with that one they don't need to train.

  • Colin (colinkeller)

    pixar uses a bunch of stuff afaik but they still have their own proprietary software. They helped make or made opensubdiv afaik to make mesh modeling standardized

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    The software becomes transparent after a while

  • Dragonice (dragonice69)

    Maya and 3D r so much different than blender.

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt)

    You can teach anybody to be an artist :D

  • c
    Wilco Wilbrink(carrotnl)

    Doesn't Pixar use Maya now?

  • y
    yukino hatake(yukinoh1989)

    QUESTION:( if this is allowed) My Head i sculped what points are good and need more attention ? for example i find the mouth strange but cant get it good . wonder how or what i do wrong

  • Thibaut Bourbon(tbrbn)

    it doesn't matter anymore, if you have the skills, learning a new software only cost them couple of months training, but they still have your skills.

  • Ken Claassen(cptken)

    There are some interviews on Blender Guru where they say basically if you're good they will take you and you just learn the new software.

  • c
    Curtis Rhoads(curtisrhoads)

    Victor Navone was hired by Pixar based on animations he made in Animation:Master.

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This event is part of the August 2018 Class, "Getting Started with 3D Modeling & Blender"

There’s still much more to learn about modeling with Blender! Remember, it’s a craft. Time + practice is the only way to develop your modeling skills. In today's stream we'll discuss the journey of becoming a skilled modeler as well as the potential for turning it into a career.

Classes Modeling