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Buckle up for a LONG project.
My kids absolutely love "diggers" and as a 3D modeler I certainly appreciate them too. All the complex shapes, hard edges, bolts, hydraulics, tire treads, etc. It's a modelers playground and labyrinth rolled into one.
I'm going to start building a digger - a Caterpillar 434E specifically - as accurately and detailed as I can. The name of the game here is organization, perseverance, and efficiency because most of the shapes are not difficult to build. There's just. so. many. of. them. Which gave me an idea...
Stop! Collaborate and Listen
Why don't we build this thing together? For those interested in following the project, I'm hoping at least a few will participate by modeling certain pieces of the backhoe themselves to be submitted to me for review and incorporation into the final model.
Check out the Collaboration Forum thread for more info!
Related Training
no, this would be overkill for anything we do Omar haha
Photos of diggers that thieves used to remove ATMs. Isn't it terrible? https://www.google.ie/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ALeKk03u7CUcpupG5hgywDH106065mRF5A%3A1583867421384&source=hp&ei=HeZnXs3SFaTRxgOwwayYCQ&q=atm+theft+ireland+&oq=atm+theft+ireland+&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.3...3594.8885..9036...0.0..0.104.1274.18j1......0....1.......0..0j0i24.aXSIX8NeBS8
phoenix4690 yep... now I have a much more functional "mental model" of this particular piece of machinery for example, regardless of the blender model...
Phil do you have one of those in your farm?
[Q] what are your feelings to use an SVG file to begin the block stage?
The good kind of gold digger
I love the excitement from finding this stuff out. Its what I love about modeling things you don't know 100% about.
@theluthier it looks like the hinge for that front loader is also part of that chassis
@theluthier I found a link below that shows you the inside