Modeling Efficiently with Modifiers
This is another "2-hr project" with emphasis on modeling optimally with modifiers. In other words: Coaxing Blender to do work for us. Over all the model is pretty simple and straight forward but we do want to be mindful of structural authenticity and detail since the camera will be close to the lantern.
Rendering for Realism...with Cycles
Spoiler: Cycles wins this one 🥇. Though I will likely start blocking in my materials and lighting with Eevee, I find that Cycles produces superior results for up-close realism. It's worth noting that this is the first project in months that I've felt necessary to use Cycles.
I never have experienced thanksgiving celebrations before? Thanksgiving is American custom?
afk bbl
yes, as far as I know, it mostly represents thanksgiving
Not so much Rita, it's more like a decoration or table centerpiece
I'd say yes, and then to intimidate the enemy during battles
Is corpucopia used in celebrations?
That's like a war horn that in times of peace they use to gather fruit
yes Rita another name for it
would love that
Horn of plenty