Hard Surface Modeling in the Winter Months
Continuing with the winter theme, this week we're modeling a classic snow sled: The "Flexible Flyer" (more or less). The focus is on hard surface, polygon modeling. We'll be starting from scratch so this means sourcing reference images and generating a modeling sheet in addition to the entire 3D modeling process.
Join us for some fresh Blender 2.8 modeling shenanigans!
Maybe Wayne can sing the song Omar :)
There's a song title for ya "Livestream day always makes me happy "
Why is more important than how
Tired but in a good mood! Livestream day always makes me happy :)
@theluthier i am more a Why than a How
I'm great Miranda, how's you?
mmalhomsi well thanks :) That's an interesting topic. I guess I try teach that at the beginning of many courses to illustrate the importance of reference. But perhaps it's too much why and not enough how?
Hi Miranda
Heya Miranda