Due to unforeseen technical difficulties, this stream is 720p instead of the usual 1080p. Apologies about that!
In recent weeks, members of the CGC Blender Community have been participating in a challenge thread about matching one of their favorite lighting examples. It's been a lot of fun - I've done 2 already and plan to do more:
In this stream, I'll be tackling one or two live. I think I'll start with the one below. Come, embrace your inner gaffer, and join the lighting fun!
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Is that they guy you interviewed a few days ago?
Great stream!
what if you want t o animate, this scene, do you need other set up?
Cool result!
I like it!
Enjoyed this stream. Looking forward to next.
The leaves are good for filling in the empty space of the foreground.
live version is better
left is more similar