Learn the basic concepts of game logic by using visual scripting with Bolt. Bolt is a visual scripting asset for use in Unity. We will dive into common topics from the Game Programming Bootcamp and discuss how we can replicate similar mechanics using visual scripting. If you're brand new to game development or you're looking for an easier way to bring your game ideas to life then this is the live stream to watch!
Man there's no way Gonzo an cook, it's impossible to know so much stuff
Oh, you're alive again. Are you eating well?
silentheart00 XD
You're dead. I'm done parenting you.
looking really great :D
He said he's done this many times, so I'm sure it's almost second nature.
silentheart00 he absolutely is laser focussed. I usually have to run and adjust my code a few times before it does what I want. haha
still like how kent teach :p he is a really fun teacher :D .