LET'S TRY THIS ONE AGAIN. Originally this event was scheduled as the last stream of 2017. Unfortunately, an apocalypse of technical difficulties left us without a paddle and we had to cancel. With tails between legs, we retreated, recovered, and have since done several streams in 2018 successfully. So we're giving this topic another go and adding a fourth voice to the conversation: Animator extraordinaire, Wayne Dixon!
Blender has its fanboys, its haters, its utilitarians, its leachers. Given that Blender is powered by the open source movement, it's easy to become fanboys and fangirls. But is that a good thing for Blender or for Blender artists? Blender is free and it's easy to utilize as such, but its also easy to suck it dry; not give anything back. Surely this isn't good for Blender, but is it wrong?
Where do CGCookie instructors fall in this discussion? Find out in the stream with me (Kent), Jonathan Lampel, Jonathan Williamson, and Wayne Dixon! It will be a delightful cocktail of close-minded opinions and practical insight about defining a relationship with our beloved software.
Evening all :)
Oh yeah, I saw pictures on social media. Nice
Hi all :)
Nice. Well, I myselfmissed a few of the last streams. Was bussy with stuff. And I just got my first Wacom :O
I was just watching Elon Musk rocket launch
Doing great, just got started (serioulsy) in jan 2018 and jou how long have you been away?
So... how is everyone doing? What's new? Haven't been around in a while...
[Rolls out a portable mini-bar and a barrel of cold beer] cheers everyone
They can be viewed afterwards, there is a tab that says past events