A seasonally appropriate project: Icicles. During this stream I will create an icicle render from scratch.
The goal is realistic lighting and shading with a macro camera angle. Meaning up-close and strong depth
of field.
Note that these images are photos and not a preview of the final render. But we'll be creating something along these lines.
UPDATE: Here's the render we'll be creating:
Huh, weird. Server might be having comment issues...
Huh, dudn't think about that, cheers!
Eating food.
Oh hey there Matthew, didn't see you there!
Well, how I mix colors is I have a swatch layer, a brush set to a low opacity (or if Krita has a Transfer option for brushes, I use that), grab one color, draw lightly, then select the "mixed" colors. I could make a little demonstration video, but it's similar to what Vonn does, too.
Trying to consolidate various renders in one single artwork
Digesting lunch
Working on my portfolio
So what's everyone doing whilst we wait?
I don't even know how to mix colours in Krita, that should tell you something.