• R
    Rita G

    Is Omar the only one here who has never seen snow in entire life.

  • Pavel Mazanik(nekronavt)

    @ritag there is still a bunch of snow in Minsk.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)


  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    I swear you did in in your fundamentals haha.

  • c
    Wilco Wilbrink(carrotnl)

    KENT: cutting the lines with CTRL only works with right click select. With left click select you have to use the bottom button on the toolbar. I think it's a bug.

  • Omar Domenech(dostovel)

    Confusing, as in were textures live, going to the panel on the right, in a brush, to use it in compositing

  • R
    Rita G

    How many people here have seen snow? Last year was our WORST year for winter since 60 or 70 years ago. We had snow up to our knees or higher. Decades ago, thick snow was up to your waist.

  • Peter Varga(rationalrats)


  • Jake Korosi(jakeblended)

    Are you using the very newest 2.8 build? Maybe it's a new fix.

  • Aaron Rudderham(thecabbagedetective)

    Don't you need to tick Fit on Lens Distortion?

Get instant access to this Live Stream.

A seasonally appropriate project: Icicles. During this stream I will create an icicle render from scratch. The goal is realistic lighting and shading with a macro camera angle. Meaning up-close and strong depth of field.

Note that these images are photos and not a preview of the final render. But we'll be creating something along these lines.

UPDATE: Here's the render we'll be creating:

Materials Modeling Rendering