Abridged Recording
This is an edited version of the stream with limited rabit trails, chat interaction, and flubs. Also don't forget that speeding up the playback is a wondering tool for watching long-form videos!
'Cause I only have eyes for you 👁️
Creating believable eyes is like a "rite of passage" for character artists. Personally, hand-painting and photo-sourcing eye textures has always been more annoying for me than enjoyable.
Recently I tried creating a fully procedural eyeball material and it was more straight-forward than I anticipated. And that's what we will do during this stream!
Yeah well we don't like how you taste either sharks, how about that
Well, they usually only have a bite. I think they don't like how we taste
Being eaten by a shark just got even worst
Dang you could also say sharks are weird
I really appreciated the sketchfab of the shark. That helped with the positions of the fins
Shark eyes are bit weird ;p https://www.google.ie/search?q=shark+eyes&client=opera&hs=VdK&sxsrf=ACYBGNT-g-AcGUV1zI3Umb6OikRVM-p_ag:1581452338156&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6-uCGqcrnAhWCtHEKHXXqDVoQ_AUoAXoECAwQAw&biw=1880&bih=939
YES lol
that would definetly make him look menacing
Shark eyes, the reptiles one