Let's connect, share stories while exploring CG Cookie.
Whether you're new to CG Cookie, or a battle hardened Cookie Monster, this is a great stream to be a part of. Join Wes Burke as he walks you though how to get the most out of CG Cookie, updates from the Cookie crew, and answering questions from members.
can we still get those shirts and cup etc?
I remember Kent did a robot sheep for the Gooseberry project
Hey! I have that same hoodie!
I donated for the full year and a half of project gooseberry
Hurray for the LTS
@wesburke I love the ability to download for offline training! Such a good feature
[Q] What kind of involvement has CG Cookie had with the Blender Open Movie project or collaborative movies in general? Has anyone here worked on one?
There is a creature course from Kent
{Qestion} will there be ore remesh or Creature design courses?