This stream is part of the 2021 Collaboration. Find out about it from the HQ Forum Thread.
NOTE: These stream agendas are predictions and subject to change according to the needs of the project
Week 5 - Stream Agenda
With the project officially complete, this stream is intended to be a celebratory bookend! We will revel in our hard work and discuss a post-mortem: What worked well, what could be improved next time.
vincav81 Yeah, Taiwan is 12 hrs ahead of this live stream. 😪
Something about the dead, sheila?
Hallo Sheila
@vincav I may have darkened the color texture with nodes and or altered the mix levels of the cavity. I commonly need to tweak small things for integration congruency
Maybe we could do some Community Collabs - without all the hard work for Kent and John but with collab, deadlines and all that good stuff.
Looked like someone had gone and spray painted the whole interior black
@theluthier I'll be joining the stream a bit later. It is 'dodenherdenking' and we are silent for a minute or 2 at precisely 8 o'clock
"Work is never done, only abandoned" truest quote ever
dostovel we are all our own worst critics. I think your bridge is outstanding, and that you should take Elsa's advice on the matter.
That reminds me. There seemed to be some extra darkening inside of my cart in the WIP assembly file when I check, what, 2 days ago?