so this is what happened to my file. slow and then crash
Peter Varga(rationalrats)
remesh does not like streaming!
: D
Peter Varga(rationalrats)
I can imagine (with no real experience) that there are settings to make it more like, dunno, wet wool...
: D
(talking about the cloth brush, not knowing what I'm talking about! tried once, literally and got the default messy silk look)...
If your scrape doesn't work on an particular place and it works on the other places of the object what worked for me is closing and opening blender. don't know why
Don Soarese
should be usefull to combine with the ironing brush >p
Randal Gray(infamy)
when i tried it, the cloth brush always gave me a "messy silk bedsheet" type of result.
Dave Hudson(createanimissions)
Maybe good for wrinkled skin.
Andy Begg(andybegg)
There are a bunch of settings that make it useful sometimes
I might be late, but I made it. Hi everyone!
Ha ha! The old game show sound effects.
so this is what happened to my file. slow and then crash
remesh does not like streaming!
: D
I can imagine (with no real experience) that there are settings to make it more like, dunno, wet wool...
: D
(talking about the cloth brush, not knowing what I'm talking about! tried once, literally and got the default messy silk look)...
If your scrape doesn't work on an particular place and it works on the other places of the object what worked for me is closing and opening blender. don't know why
should be usefull to combine with the ironing brush >p
when i tried it, the cloth brush always gave me a "messy silk bedsheet" type of result.
Maybe good for wrinkled skin.
There are a bunch of settings that make it useful sometimes