This stream is part of the 2021 Collaboration. Find out about it from the HQ Forum Thread.
NOTE: These stream agendas are predictions and subject to change according to the needs of the project
Week 2 - Stream Agenda
- Project Status update
- Homework Reviews
- Overview week 2
- Demo:
- Garnishing a modeling with sculpting detail
- UV Layout
- Texture painting a color map
ah ok thanks spikey
O i thought all the modifiers are applied when converting to mesh
i like dynotopo =)
The top of the lantern isn't supposed to be totally round btw. Not that I'm against it, just saying.
pro tip for beginners: don't think you have to do your own multires EXACTLY like this. Try out the simple mode multires, try out dinotopo, try out remesh... As long as the silhouette of the sculpt is similar to the lowres, it will probably be able to bake.
But most importantly, don't be afraid to redo work, especially if you're a beginner, at this stage it's all experience.
basically, we use workflow as for gaming assets, so if someone did not wrap their head around - info about "how to optimize assets for games" might help :)
O! I didn't know that ladymito
multires will reproduce the subsurf