This stream is part of the 2021 Collaboration. Find out about it from the HQ Forum Thread.
NOTE: These stream agendas are predictions and subject to change according to the needs of the project
Week 1 - Stream Agenda
- Welcome
- Guidelines
- Teams
- Overview week 1
- Demo:
- Setup reference camera
- Blockout house
- Model the roof
{Q} I am still unable to edit the Google Sheet even though I sent my email address.
ok! thanks!!
[Q] how will we create communications with our teams?
@adrian2301 LoL!
that's what we do! (?)
aubrie Would require green screen for that, I think.
[Q] how does the team joining work?
the "asset gold rush" not quite clear but, that's everyone I guess...
it is indeed long, time for the dogwalk
. Can't see the wood for all the trees