Join me, Wes Burke; ex-military, ex-game environment artist and father of four for coffee. On this candid live stream we'll talk coffee, walk through CG Cookie while exploring examples of art in the real world.
This week: Why does art matter?
Because it's in everything! From pencils to toilets somebody designed those things with an artistic eye. Within the United States at least, we're seeing more value given to test results, and less value/funding given to art programs. We're creating incredible test takers at the expense of creativity.
So let's talk about it.
Oh yes definitely I'm craving some more rigging content
dostovel Wayne's upcoming course is about rigging and animating the treasure chest as a simple character.
The reason good riggers are a hot commodity is because it's like a "dirty job" of the CG industry. High demand but low supply. Far less fun than the other subjects within the CG pipe.
That said, a big bonus of having Wayne on board is he teaches both. So we'll definitely be teaching it at the highest possible level.
[Q] Ton said on tuesday that there is a deficit of riggers on Blender and if you know rigging there will surely be work for you. Are there plans on CGC for super teaching rigging?
It's one of the reasons to try moving to another country to work
That's a shame, Omar
[Q] Are there any videos from those workshop "Draw anything"?
Sadly here in my country art is very disrespected
I don't hear anything so far that I disagree with. :)
Yeah, that seems to be illegal were I work at
Wayne has too much fun while he's working